What is TII-Block Chain Company ?

T∏ was established in the Philippines in early 2021. The company relies on the Philippines' blockchain digital currency policy, and the company aims to provide blockchain services to nodes. The platform faces the Chinese market and establishes a cross-platform, decentralized blockchain service platform for all nodes.

Before the establishment of the company, the team entrusted a number of investigation agencies in mainland China to conduct necessary market surveys, analyzed hundreds of thousands of survey results, and concluded that the project could develop well.

The platform enhances the value of the platform by providing blockchain services to nodes. Nodes can enjoy the corresponding services provided by the platform by locking a certain amount of digital currency. In this way, the platform and nodes develop together to enhance the overall value.

It is expected that in the near future, the T∏blockchain service desk will become a benchmark for industry development and occupy a place in the huge Chinese market.

What is the T∏ BlockChain technology?

A The T∏ BlockChain  is a decentralized ledger of all transactions across a peer-to-peer network. Using this technology, participants can confirm transactions without a need for a central clearing authority. Potential applications can include fund transfers, settling trades, voting, and many other issues.

What is blockchain security?

Blockchain technology produces a structure of data with inherent security qualities. It's based on principles of cryptography, decentralization and consensus, which ensure trust in transactions. In most blockchains or distributed ledger technologies (DLT), the data is structured into blocks and each block contains a transaction or bundle of transactions. Each new block connects to all the blocks before it in a cryptographic chain in such a way that it's nearly impossible to tamper with. All transactions within the blocks are validated and agreed upon by a consensus mechanism, ensuring that each transaction is true and correct.
Blockchain technology enables decentralization through the participation of members across a distributed network. There is no single point of failure and a single user cannot change the record of transactions. However, blockchain technologies differ in some critical security aspects.

How Does a Blockchain Work?

A blockchain is a chain of blocks that contain data or information. Despite being discovered earlier, the first successful and popular application of the Blockchain technology came into being in the year 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. He created the first digital cryptocurrency called Bitcoin through the use of Blockchain technology. Let’s understand how a blockchain actually works.

Each block in a blockchain network stores some information along with the hash of its previous block. A hash is a unique mathematical code which belongs to a specific block. If the information inside the block is modified, the hash of the block will be subject to modification too. The connection of blocks through unique hash keys is what makes blockchain secure.
While transactions take place on a blockchain, there are nodes on the network that validate these transactions. In Bitcoin blockchain, these nodes are called as miners and they use the concept of proof-of-work in order to process and validate transactions on the network. In order for a transaction to be valid, each block must refer to the hash of its preceding block. The transaction will take place only and only if the hash is correct. If a hacker tries to attack the network and change information of any specific block, the hash attached to the block will also get modified.

The breach will be detected as the modified hash will not match with the original one. This ensures that the blockchain is unalterable as if any change which is made to the chain of blocks will be reflected throughout the entire network and will be detected easily.

What is blockchain network services?

Blockchain-based service network is an information infrastructure where all participants share the same public services provided by Chinese Government and currently integrates six public blockchains: Tezos, NEO, Nervos, EOS, IRISnet and Ethereum. Without the need of acquiring extra physical servers or cloud services, it aims at greatly reduce participants costs and encourage micro-size and SMEs to access BSN and accelerate the widespread of Block-chain technology. Indeed, developers will be allowed to create decentralized application using the facilities (bandwidth and data centers) provided by BSN’s offshore centers. The core project relies on public city nodes provided by specific data centers and cloud resources providers: once they have installed the public city node software, they can be linked in the BSN network. In the official Blockchain-based service network website, it is accessible live node status. From here, it becomes accessible to external participants, that can start deploying their block-chain solution form there, starting from pre-built chain code. Nodes are available in more than 120 cities in China and 8 international cities (amongst which: Paris, Sydney, Tokyo, and many more).